Sayak Paul
Added on September 14, 2024
This project demonstrates the use of TensorFlow Object Detection API (along with GCP ML Engine) to automatically detect Red Blood Cells (RBCs), White Blood Cells (WBCs), and Platelets in each image taken via microscopic image readings.
This project demonstrates the use of TensorFlow Object Detection API (along with GCP ML Engine) to automatically detect Red Blood Cells (RBCs), White Blood Cells (WBCs), and Platelets in each image taken via microscopic image readings.
Sayak Paul
This project demonstrates the use of TensorFlow Object Detection API (along with GCP ML Engine) to automatically detect Red Blood Cells (RBCs), White Blood Cells (WBCs), and Platelets in each image taken via microscopic image readings.
The dataset used in this project was collected from here. Note that I deleted some of the files from the original dataset directory which I found out to be unnecessary for the project.
The directory structure looks like so:
├── BCCD
│ ├── Annotations [364 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir]
│ ├── ImageSets
│ │ └── Main
│ │ ├── test.txt
│ │ ├── train.txt
│ │ ├── trainval.txt
│ │ └── val.txt
│ └── JPEGImages [364 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir]
├── Exported_Graph
│ └── frozen_inference_graph.pb
├── Model_Checkpoints
│ ├── model.ckpt-50007.data-00000-of-00003
│ ├── model.ckpt-50007.data-00001-of-00003
│ ├── model.ckpt-50007.data-00002-of-00003
│ ├── model.ckpt-50007.index
│ └── model.ckpt-50007.meta
├── Notebooks
│ ├── Exploration.ipynb
│ └── Inference.ipynb
├── Records_and_CSVs
├── Sample_Images
│ ├── Screen\ Shot\ 2019-08-28\ at\ 1.36.46\ PM.png
│ ├── Screen\ Shot\ 2019-08-28\ at\ 1.38.07\ PM.png
│ └── Screen\ Shot\ 2019-08-28\ at\ 1.38.37\ PM.png
├── images
│ ├── test
│ └── train
├── README.md
├── directory_structure.txt
├── faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco.config
├── generate_tfrecord.py
├── label_map.pbtxt
└── xml_to_csv.py
I have intentionally left some files such as:
files which can be generated by running the generate_tfrecord.py
script accordingly.csv
files which can be generated using the xml_to_csv.py
takes care of putting together the images and annotations in the right directory in the right way. This process was referred from this tutorial and so were the generation of the .csv
files and TFRecords
I followed the official TensorFlow Object Detection API documentation and this article to kickstart the training process on GCP using ML Engine and Cloud TPUs and also to export the inference graph.
I used a Faster R-CNN based architecture since it resolves the problem of selective search pretty elegantly and yields a pretty good mAP of 86%. The Model_Checkpoints
folder contains the latest checkpointed files collected from the training process.
Here are some results after running the trained model on some test images:
I plan to further optimize this model using the OpenVINO toolkit and deploy this model on a Neural Compute Stick.
I used GCP ML Engine for training the custom object detection model. I am very thanksful to Google Developers Expert Program for providing me with GCP Credits. I am also thankful to them for providing me with Qwiklabs Credits to learn more about GCP. I am thankful to the TensorFlow Research Cloud team for providing me with Cloud TPU access which indeed helped me speed up the training process to a great extent.
I presented this work at TensorFlow Roadhshow Bengaluru:
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