


Michael Gusev

Added on December 21, 2024

An Angular testing library for creating mock services, components, directives, pipes and modules in unit tests. It provides shallow rendering, precise stubs to fake child dependencies. ng-mocks works with Angular 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16, jasmine and jest.


Angular testing library for mocking components, directives, pipes, services and facilitating TestBed setup

Michael Gusev

Mock components, services and more out of annoying dependencies for simplification of Angular testing

ng-mocks facilitates Angular testing and helps to:

  • mock Components, Directives, Pipes, Modules, Services and Tokens
  • reduce boilerplate in tests
  • access declarations via simple interface

The current version of the library has been tested and can be used with:

angular ng-mocks jasmine jest ivy standalone signals defer
19 latest yes yes yes yes no no
18 latest yes yes yes yes no no
17 latest yes yes yes yes no no
16 latest yes yes yes yes no
15 latest yes yes yes yes
14 latest yes yes yes yes
13 latest yes yes yes
12 latest yes yes yes
11 latest yes yes yes
10 latest yes yes yes
9 latest yes yes yes
8 latest yes yes
7 latest yes yes
6 latest yes yes
5 latest yes yes

Very short introduction

Global configuration for mocks in src/test.ts. In case of jest, src/setup-jest.ts / src/test-setup.ts should be used.

// All methods in mock declarations and providers
// will be automatically spied on their creation.
ngMocks.autoSpy('jasmine'); // or jest

// ngMocks.defaultMock helps to customize mocks
// globally. Therefore, we can avoid copy-pasting
// among tests.
ngMocks.defaultMock(AuthService, () => ({
  isLoggedIn$: EMPTY,
  currentUser$: EMPTY,

An example of a spec for a profile edit component.

// Let's imagine that there is a ProfileComponent
// and it has 3 text fields: email, firstName,
// lastName, and a user can edit them.
// In the following test suite, we would like to
// cover behavior of the component.
describe('profile:builder', () => {
  // Helps to reset customizations after each test.
  // Alternatively, you can enable
  // automatic resetting in test.ts.

  // Let's configure TestBed via MockBuilder.
  // The code below says to mock everything in
  // ProfileModule except ProfileComponent and
  // ReactiveFormsModule.
  beforeEach(() => {
    // The result of MockBuilder should be returned.
    return MockBuilder(
    // // or old fashion way
    // return TestBed.configureTestingModule({
    //   imports: [
    //     MockModule(SharedModule), // mock
    //     ReactiveFormsModule, // real
    //   ],
    //   declarations: [
    //     ProfileComponent, // real
    //     MockPipe(CurrencyPipe), // mock
    //     MockDirective(HoverDirective), // mock
    //   ],
    //   providers: [
    //     MockProvider(AuthService), // mock
    //   ],
    // }).compileComponents();

  // A test to ensure that ProfileComponent
  // can be created.
  it('should be created', () => {
    // MockRender is an advanced version of
    // TestBed.createComponent.
    // It respects all lifecycle hooks,
    // onPush change detection, and creates a
    // wrapper component with a template like
    // <app-root ...allInputs></profile>
    // and renders it.
    // It also respects all lifecycle hooks.
    const fixture = MockRender(ProfileComponent);


  // A test to ensure that the component listens
  // on ctrl+s hotkey.
  it('saves on ctrl+s hot key', () => {
    // A fake profile.
    const profile = {
      email: '',
      firstName: 'testFirst2',
      lastName: 'testLast2',

    // A spy to track save calls.
    // MockInstance helps to configure mock
    // providers, declarations and modules
    // before their initialization and usage.
    const spySave = MockInstance(
      jasmine.createSpy(), // or jest.fn()

    // Renders <profile [profile]="params.profile">
    // </profile>.
    const { point } = MockRender(
      { profile }, // bindings

    // Let's change the value of the form control
    // for email addresses with a random value.
    // ngMocks.change finds a related control
    // value accessor and updates it properly.
      '[name=email]', // css selector
      'test3@em.ail', // an email address

    // Let's ensure that nothing has been called.

    // Let's assume that there is a host listener
    // for a keyboard combination of ctrl+s,
    // and we want to trigger it.
    // ngMocks.trigger helps to emit events via
    // simple interface.
    ngMocks.trigger(point, 'keyup.control.s');

    // The spy should be called with the user
    // and the random email address.
      email: 'test3@em.ail',
      firstName: profile.firstName,
      lastName: profile.lastName,



If you like ng-mocks, please support it:

Thank you!

P.S. Feel free to contact us if you need help.

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