


Akshay Sharma

Added on December 21, 2024

RangVikalp is a minimal colour selection tool build completely upon jetpack compose


RangVikalp is a minimal colour selection tool build completely upon jetpack compose

Akshay Sharma



Minimal Color Picker in Jetpack Compose



var isVisible by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }

RangVikalp(isVisible) {
// returns selected color

With multiple parameters to customise vast color selection

fun RangVikalp(
    isVisible: Boolean,              // change visbility 
    rowElementsCount: Int,           // number of color selections per row 
    showShades: Boolean,             // show shades of selected color
    colorIntensity: Int,             // change the intensity of color selection (0..9)
    unSelectedSize: Dp,              // customise default size of color options
    selectedSize: Dp,                // customise size of selected color
    colors: List<List<Color>>,       // manually add custom colors to show in selector
    defaultColor: Color,             // add default selected color 
    clickedColor: (Color) -> Unit    // gives selected color


or grab via Gradle:

include in app level build.gradle

repositories {
 implementation  'io.ak1:rang-vikalp:1.0.0-alpha02'

or Maven:


or ivy:

<dependency org='io.ak1' name='rang-vikalp' rev='1.0.0-alpha02'>
  <artifact name='rang-vikalp' ext='pom' ></artifact>

Thanks to

DrawBox for using RangVikalp as it's color picker library


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, click here for the full license.

Author & support

This project was created by Akshay Sharma.

If you appreciate my work, consider buying me a cup of ☕ to keep me recharged 🤘 by PayPal

I love using my work and I'm available for contract work. Freelancing helps to maintain and keep my open source projects up to date!

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