Dan Wahlin

Cloud Advocate and Developer Relations at Microsoft. Fluid, Microsoft 365, and Azure. Formerly Wahlin Consulting.



Dan Wahlin

Cloud Advocate and Developer Relations at Microsoft. Fluid, Microsoft 365, and Azure. Formerly Wahlin Consulting.



Angular JumpStart

The goal of this jumpstart app is to provide a simple way to get started with Angular while also showing several key Angular features and best practices.
GitHubUpdated 2 months ago

Observable Store

Observable Store is a front-end state management library that provides a simple yet powerful way to manage state in front-end applications such as Angular, React, or Vue. Front-end state management has become so complex that many of us spend more hours working on the state management code than on the rest of the application. Observable Store has one overall goal - keep it simple.
GitHubUpdated 20 months ago

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